

BNP Paribas Fortis Funding ("BP2F") is a public limited liability company incorporated for an unlimited duration under the laws of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg with its registered and principal office at 19, rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2453 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

BP2F is owned at 99.995 per cent. by BNP Paribas Fortis ("BNPPF") that is part of the BNP Paribas group.

BP2F was incorporated on 24 September 1986 in Luxembourg as a public limited liability company with the name Genfinance Luxembourg S.A., which was then changed on 12 November 2001 to Fortis Luxembourg Finance S.A. and on 22 February 2010 to BNP Paribas Fortis Funding that is today its legal name and commercial name.

BP2F is registered with the Register of Commerce and Companies of Luxembourg under number B24784 (registered on 24 September 1986).

The Articles of Association of BP2F have been amended several times, most recently by notarial deed in Luxembourg on 23 March 2010.

The Articles of Association were published in the “Mémorial C, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations” on 29 November 1986 (C Nr332) and amendments thereto were also published in the “Mémorial C, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations”.

BP2F articles of associations

Notice BP2F dated 25 February 2016

Business overview

Mission summary

BP2F’s main object is to grant loans to BNP Paribas Fortis and the companies controlled by BNP Paribas Fortis.

In order to implement its main object, BP2F issue bonds or similar securities, perform any refinancing operation, with or without a guarantee and in general may have recourse to any sources of finance. BP2F can carry out any operations it perceives as being necessary to the accomplishment and development of its business, whilst staying within the limits of the Luxembourg law of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies (as amended).

Principal markets

Part of the debt of BP2F is admitted to listing on the official list and trading on the regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and/or on NYSE Euronext Amsterdam and/or on NYSE Euronext Brussels. The debt securities are sold to investors all over the world but mainly in Europe.

Programs & Notices

1. Short term issuance program

Information Memorandum dated June 11 2010 relating to Euro Euro – Commercial Paper Programme of BP2F.

2. Medium and long term issuance programs

2024 - Base prospectus of the Note, Warrant and Certificate Programme of BP2F dated 30 May 2024 ( The"NWC Base Prospectus")

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the NWC Base Prospectus 2024

2024 - Base Prospectus relating to the Euro Medium Term Note Programme of BNPPF and BP2F (the "EMTN Base Prospectus") dated 30 May 2024 and documents incorporated by reference


Archives 2023-2024

Medium and long term issuance programs

2023 - Base prospectus of the Note, Warrant and Certificate Programme of BP2F dated 31 May 2023 ( The"NWC Base Prospectus")

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the NWC Base Prospectus 2023

2023 - Base Prospectus relating to the Euro Medium Term Note Programme of BNPPF and BP2F (the "EMTN Base Prospectus") dated 31 May 2023 and documents incorporated by reference

Archives 2021-2022

Medium and long term issuance programs

2021 - Base prospectus of the Note, Warrant and Certificate Programme of BP2F dated 01 June 2021 ( The"NWC Base Prospectus")

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the NWC Base Prospectus 2021

2021 - Base Prospectus relating to the Euro Medium Term Note Programme of BNPPF and BP2F (the "EMTN Base Prospectus") dated 03 June 2021 and documents incorporated by reference

2022 - Base prospectus of the Note, Warrant and Certificate Programme of BP2F dated 01 June 2022 ( The"NWC Base Prospectus")

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the NWC Base Prospectus 2022

2022 - Base Prospectus relating to the Euro Medium Term Note Programme of BNPPF and BP2F (the "EMTN Base Prospectus") dated 01 June 2022 and documents incorporated by reference

Archives 2019-2020

Medium and long term issuance programs

2019 - Base Prospectus relating to the Euro Medium Term Note Programme of BNPPF and BP2F (the "EMTN Base Prospectus") dated 5 June 2019 and documents incorporated by reference

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the EMTN Base Prospectus dated 05 June 2019


2019 - Base prospectus of the Note, Warrant and Certificate Programme of BP2F dated 3 June 2019 ( The"NWC Base Prospectus")

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the NWC Base Prospectus 2019

2020 - Base Prospectus relating to the Euro Medium Term Note Programme of BNPPF and BP2F (the "EMTN Base Prospectus") dated 04 June 2020 and documents incorporated by reference

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the EMTN Base Prospectus dated 04 June 2020


2020 - Base prospectus of the Note, Warrant and Certificate Programme of BP2F dated 02 June 2020 ( The"NWC Base Prospectus")

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the NWC Base Prospectus 2020

Archives 2017-2018

Medium and long term issuance programs

2017 - Base Prospectus relating to the Euro Medium term Note programme of BNPPF and BP2F (the "EMTN Base Prospectus") dated 9 June 2017 and documents incorporated by reference

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the EMTN Base Prospectus dated 09 June 2017

2017 - Base prospectus of the Note, Warrant and Certificate Programme of BP2F dated 7 June 2017 ( The"NWC Base Prospectus")

. NW&C Base Prospectus

. Samenvatting van het Programma NW&C

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the NWC Base Prospectus 2017

2018 - Base Prospectus relating to the Euro Medium Term Note Programme of BNPPF and BP2F (the "EMTN Base Prospectus") dated 6 June 2018 and documents incorporated by reference

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the EMTN Base Prospectus dated 06 June 2018

2018 - Base prospectus of the Note, Warrant and Certificate Programme of BP2F dated 5 June 2018 ( The"NWC Base Prospectus")

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the NWC Base Prospectus 2018

Archives 2016-2017

Medium and long term issuance programs

Base prospectus relating to the Euro Medium term Note programme of BNPPF and BP2F (the “EMTN Base Prospectus”) dated 13 June 2016 and documents incorporated by reference

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the EMTN Base Prospectus dated 13 June 2016

Base prospectus of the Note, Warrant and Certificate Programme of BP2F dated 9 June 2016 ( The"NWC Base Prospectus")

. NW&C Base Prospectus

. Résumé du programme NW&C

. Samenvatting van het Programma NW&C

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the NWC Base Prospectus 2016

Documents related to BNP Paribas Fortis Funding incorporated by reference in the NWC Base Prospectus

. Financial information on BNP Paribas Fortis Funding

. Financial Information on BNP Paribas Fortis

. Cash flow report 2015 BNP Paribas Fortis Funding: see section " Results"

Archives 2015-2016

Medium and long term issuance programs

Base prospectus relating to the Euro Medium term Note programme of BNP Paribas Fortis and BNP Paribas Fortis Funding (the “EMTN Base Prospectus”) dated 12 June 2015 and documents incorporated by reference

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the EMTN Base Prospectus

. 1st Supplement to the EMTN Base Prospectus dated 3 September 2015

. Interim financial report 30 June 2015 BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV

. UK-BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV 30 June 2015 press release

. 2nd Supplement to the EMTN Base Prospectus dated 25 February 2016

. 3rd Supplement to the EMTN Base Prospectus dated 23 March 2016

. UK-BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV FY Results 2015 press release

Base prospectus of the Note, Warrant and Certificate Programme of BNP Paribas Fortis Funding dated 09 June 2015 ( The"NWC Base Prospectus)

. NW&C Base Prospectus

. Résumé du programme NW&C

. Samenvatting van het Programma NW&C

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the NWC Base Prospectus

Documents related to BNP Paribas Fortis Funding incorporated by reference in the NWC Base Prospectus

. Financial Information on BNP Paribas Fortis Funding

. Financial Information on BNP Paribas Fortis

. Cash flow statement 2014 BNP Paribas Fortis Funding

. Registration Document of BNP Paribas

. BNP Paribas Fortis Warrant & Certificate Guarantee

. BNP Paribas Fortis Note Guarantee

Archives 2014-2015

Medium and long term issuance programs

Base prospectus relating to the Note, Warrant and Certificate Programme of BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V., BNP Paribas, BNP Paribas Fortis Funding and BGL BNP Paribas dated 5 June 2014 (the “NWC Base Prospectus”)

Documents related to BNP Paribas Fortis Funding incorporated by reference in the NWC Base Prospectus

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the NWC Base prospectus

Base prospectus relating to the Euro Medium term Note programme of BNP Paribas Fortis and BNP Paribas Fortis Funding (the “EMTN Base Prospectus”) dated 13 June 2014

Documents incorporated in the EMTN Base Prospectus

Supplements to the EMTN Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the EMTN Base prospectus

Archives 2013-2014

  1. Medium and long term issuance programs

Base prospectus relating to the Note, Warrant and Certificate Programme of BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V., BNP Paribas, BNP Paribas Fortis Funding and BGL BNP Paribas (the “NWC Base Prospectus”) dated 3 June 2013

Documents related to BNP Paribas Fortis Funding incorporated by reference in the NWC Base Prospectus

Supplements to the Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the NWC Base prospectus

Base prospectus relating to the Euro Medium term Note programme of BNP Paribas Fortis and BNP Paribas Fortis Funding (the “EMTN Base Prospectus”) dated 14 June 2013

Documents incorporated in the EMTN Base Prospectus

Supplements to the EMTN Base Prospectus to be read in conjunction with the EMTN Base prospectus

Financial results

Financial statements

BP2F has no subsidiaries and therefore its financial statements are produced on an unconsolidated basis.

The annual accounts of BP2F are included in the consolidated financial statements of BNP Paribas Fortis. The consolidated financial statements of BNP Paribas Fortis are available at its registered office: 3 Montagne du Parc, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium and on the website



19 Rue Eugène Ruppert
L-2453 Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
Fax: +352 27 44 18 02
Tel : +352 27 44 18 03

Contact us

19, Rue Eugène Ruppert L-2453 Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg



1. Definition and general access rules

The “Website” means this website as published by BNP Paribas Fortis Funding (“BP2F”) and/or BP2F affiliated entities, i.e. entities controlled, directly or indirectly, by BP2F and all information and materials contained on the Website.

Certain sections or pages of the Website contain separate and/or additional terms and conditions, which are in addition to the present Terms and Conditions. In the event of a conflict, separate and / or additional terms and conditions will prevail over the present Terms and Conditions for those sections or pages.

This Website also contains links to websites published by third parties. Links to this Website may also be included on third–party websites. BP2F has not reviewed these and declines any liability for any information or materials posted on any of the sites linked to this Website. By creating a link to a third–party website or by tolerating that a third–party website includes a link to this Website, BP2F does not endorse or recommend any products or services offered on that third–party website. Neither does BP2F express any implied or explicit appreciation as to the accuracy and / or reliability of the information to be found, directly or indirectly, on any third–party websites or as to the reliability and/or honorableness of any third parties.

The contents of the Website are subject to change. Not all products and services are available in all geographic areas. Your eligibility to receive any product or service may be subject to approval by BP2F or its relevant subsidiary or affiliate.

Unless otherwise expressly provided, information on this Website does not constitute an offer or solicitation to conduct investment business in any jurisdiction. Persons accessing, visiting or using this Website must satisfy themselves that the laws of their own country allow them to access the information or must refrain from accessing, visiting and/or using the Website accordingly.

2. Publisher

The publisher of this Website is BNP Paribas Fortis Funding.

19, Eugène Ruppert

L-2553 Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

3. Website content and materials

The information and material on this Website are provided for your convenience, are to be used for informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer regarding any financial, banking, insurance or other product or service. The information and material presented on this Website do not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy financial instruments. An exception is made for an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy a financial instrument presented on the Website where such offer or solicitation is limited to those jurisdictions where the offer or solicitation is explicitly made upon an approved prospectus or benefits from a prospectus exemption. Therefore, offers to sell or solicitations of offers to buy shall not be taken into consideration by persons visiting, accessing or using the Website from outside the geographical area within which the offer or solicitation is lawfully made in accordance with the local laws and regulations. Persons visiting, accessing or using the Website are required to inform themselves about any such restrictions, as well as about the conditions of on-selling such financial instruments. Offers are limited to the countries or jurisdictions expressly mentioned therein and persons from any other country or jurisdiction shall refrain from taking such offer into consideration. You acknowledge that the documents that are published on the Website in this respect do not purport to contain all of the information that an interested party may desire. In all cases, you should conduct your own investigation and analysis of the financial instruments described in these documents and of the data set forth in them.

The information and materials contained on this Website are not intended to provide any advice including but without limitation financial, tax, accounting or legal advice.

BP2F will make reasonable endeavors to check and update the information and materials contained on this Website and to assess the reliability and honorableness of their sources. Consequently this information and materials posted on the Website are subject to change. Nevertheless, BP2F does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, timeliness or fitness for any specific purpose of the information and materials included or referred to in this Website or the reliability and honorableness of their sources. BP2F, its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliated entities, directors, employees and agents shall not have any liability, on whatever basis, contractual or not, for any direct or indirect damages you may incur arising from the access to, visit or use of the Website, except in case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on their part.

4. Intellectual property rights

The information and material on this Website are protected by intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyright, know-how, business names, trademarks, patents and design rights which are owned by BP2F, or third parties. The information and material on this Website may be displayed and printed exclusively for your personal, non-commercial use, provided that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in or on or relating to such information and material. You shall not otherwise distribute, modify, transmit, reproduce, re-use, re-post or sell any information or material contained in this Website, in any form, and by any means, without the express prior written consent of BP2F. See also paragraph 7 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction) of the present Terms & Conditions.

5. Privacy

BP2F is the controller of personal data collected trough this Website.

As visitor or user of this Website, you agree with the registration and processing by BP2F of personal data relating to you for the following purposes: management of BP2F's clientele, including prospective clients, administration of contractual relationship, prevention of irregularities, establishment of statistics and tests, monitoring of the quality of the service, commercial prospection, or direct marketing of financial, banking and/or insurance products and services as well as other products or services which are promoted by BP2F or its affiliated entities.

You agree that this data may be communicated to any of BP2F's affiliates for the same purposes or to other persons for compliance with any legal obligation or in case of any legitimate interest. You also agree to such communications when the recipient party is located outside the European Union, whether or not an adequate level of protection is ensured for personal data in the country of reception.

Within BP2F access to your personal data collected through this Website is restricted to persons who need the data in pursuance of their duties.

You are entitled to request, in writing to the address given above or via the Website and free of charge, that BP2F and its Affiliated Entities stop using your personal data collected through this Website for direct marketing purposes.

You can contact us at the address given above to access your personal data and to ask for any changes to be made which are necessary to correct or keep the data up to date.

See also paragraph 7 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction) of the present Terms and Conditions.

Cookies may be used on the Website in order to enhance the service provided to you. Cookies are small text files that are copied onto your hard disk. BP2F may use cookies to facilitate navigation on the Website and to personalise the Service offered to you. You can configure your Internet browser in order to be informed of each cookie sent or to reject cookies systematically by adjusting your browser settings. You acknowledge that efficient navigation on the Website is likely to be compromised, should cookies be refused.

6. Confidentiality

Any information or material sent to BP2F through this Website will be handled in a manner consistent with legal and regulatory requirements.

7. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Your access to, visit of and use of the Website, and the present Terms and Conditions are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with Luxemburg law. The Courts of  Luxembourg shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute relating thereto, without prejudice to BP2F making choice of any other court having jurisdiction on such a dispute under any applicable law.

8. Severability and Changes

In the event any of the terms or provisions of these Terms and Conditions would be held to be unenforceable, the remaining terms and provisions shall be unimpaired and the unenforceable term or provision shall be replaced by such enforceable term or provision as comes closest to the intention underlying the unenforceable term or provision. This Agreement shall be subject to any other agreements you have entered or may enter into with BP2F or any of its affiliated entities.

BP2F may modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, with immediate effect and without prior notice.